Data has become the centerpiece of any organization. It is the driving force in which they base major decisions and even day to day operations. This is why safeguarding such important information has become key in a successful business. However, securing data and protecting data are two different agendas. Data protection is focused more on safeguarding your data from compromise, corruption or loss rather than focusing on outside threats. CT Link Systems, Inc. specializes in the following data protection solutions: Clustering and Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR).
With clustering, CT Link can help you minimize the downtime and service interruptions of your production infrastructure. We are able to accomplish this by implementing a high availability clustering solution which uses two servers to act as an active one while the other as a passive server. The passive server is a clone of the active server and will automatically be used upon the failure of the active server.
Through Business Continuity, CT Link can guide you through the steps in which you can take to ensure your data is well archived and retain-able using the right backup solution. We are able to provide you with two types of backup solutions, either on-premise or on the cloud. With this flexibility, we are able to help tailor fit your solution to better fit the need and budget of your business. In disaster recovery, we can help your business by setting up an offsite backup of all your essential data and configurations which can be used in restoring your system upon an unforeseen data loss to your on-premise infrastructure.